Subject: Agenda Blathering Against 2nd Amendment Rights Is Sickening
Below is the body of the eMail response that I sent to the Texas Tribune about an article by "reporting fellow", Sami Sparber.
The nonsense and spin spewed from Sami Sparber, which clearly demonstrates attitudes that oppose the rights of law abiding citizens to carry firearms, is revealing.
For example, her article titled, "Texas Republican leaders promised action on gun safety after the El Paso shooting. Instead, they passed permitless carry." demonstrates the following facts.
First, she is apparently too lazy to do research or incapable of interpreting what the facts are in regard to the effect that gun control has on local violent crime rates. It is well known that the locations in the USA where violent crimes exist in the highest rates and numbers are in the locations that have the strictest gun control laws. In fact, in locations where the laws were changed such that it encouraged more citizens to carry, it induced a measurable drop in violent crime rates. Same location, same populace, and changing one variable, less restrictive laws, that yielded positive results.
Second, she apparently has a psychosis that causes her to believe that humans are inherently evil. If more good people are armed then this clearly creates a natural opposition force to violent criminals. Just knowing there are more good people equipped to defend themselves in public discourages violent crime, which explains the observed drop in crime rates that occurs in locations that move toward encouraging armed citizens. If Sami thinks that people cannot generally be trusted to be good and responsible then she must be surrounded by people that she cannot trust to be responsible and good, or she has irrational beliefs and feelings. Is she forming this judgment based on her own character flaws or irresponsible nature? There's a saying that goes, "When one is raised in a stable, well-adjusted environment with responsible gun owners, one does not develop an irrational fear of guns. On the other hand, you have the liberals."
Third, changing the laws to grant people with lower incomes the same access to the right to carry firearms is more fair. Under the standing laws of Texas, one must complete a training class and pay processing fees to obtain a permit, which are considerable expenses. These barriers are much larger than any associated with voting that were condemned by Sami Sparber. Perhaps I should write an article that questions why Sami is prejudiced against poor people having the same access to self-protection that is available to people with higher incomes. Does she think that poor people are inherently more evil? Her coverage of the new laws fails to recognize the fairness aspect of the change. Did she fail to connect the dots or willfully ignore it?
Given that empowering more law abiding citizens to carry firearms has a measurable positive effect on violent crime rates, it is clear that the heading on the mentioned article is misleading and incorrect. Texas Republican leaders DID take action that directly reduces violent crime rates. The US Constitution acknowledges the right of citizens to bear arms, and any law that infringes on those rights directly contradicts our constitutional rights that provide our guarantee from tyranny and empower individuals with protecting themselves and others.
Please forward my comments to Sami Sparber for consideration.
Richard Bobo
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